The Encore Entertainment Company is an auditioned, mixed, extra-curricular show choir. Members of Encore take pride in being a top-level show choir in the state of Ohio. Encore performs at regular choir concerts, for local groups, and at competitions across the midwest. Singer-dancers in Encore must have a 2.0 or higher GPA and must be a member of another school choir. Potential Encore members and current Encore members are highly encourage to take voice lessons. Auditions for singer-dancers take place in May of the preceding school year. Auditions require students to present an excerpt of an art song and a musical theater song. Encore also includes a student band (called the Encore Pit Band or Tombo Combo) and a crew (nicknamed The Machine). Auditions and interviews for band and crew also occur in May of the preceding year.
This year’s competitions:
Findlay Fest – January 29
Hurricane (WV) – Februry 5
Northridge (IN) – February 26
Solon – March 5
To find out more about Encore’s participation in past competitions, you may wish to visit: